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From the architects:

When Diplo first conceived of Pompey, his goal was to craft an architecture so extraordinary that it holds its own among the splendors of nature while also contributing to the vibrant culture here. He envisioned a place where the trill of cicadas and the chatter of rainforest birds could blend with the hum and crackle of vintage records, and the laughter of loved ones.

The first thing that you’ll notice about our landscape is its lushness, and there’s a reason for this. Jamaica boasts a huge number of endemic plants and animals that have evolved here in isolation, species found nowhere else on Earth. From our kaleidoscopic range of technicolor birds to populations of rare and unusual orchids, all of them supported by an idyllic tropical climate.

In the chaos of today’s mad world, the jungle here becomes an oasis of tranquility with a near-supernatural allure. It’s a place where ancient trees, bedecked with vines, stand in silent witness to centuries of history and folklore. This rich tapestry of biodiversity and cultural heritage has helped shape our area into the singular place it is today.

FREECELL Architects
Photos by
Port Antonio, Jamaica
Mixed use
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